Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Time for some indoor hobbies.

With winter in full force it is time to move my focus from the Jeep to indoor hobbies. A couple things I would like to do this winter.

1.) Start and finish my 2007 Camaro concept model(same as 2010 Camaro minus the location of the gas cap).

2.) Get some much needed track time with my R/C Car.

3.) Learn C++.

I think I can accomplish the first two, but the last one is something I have been talking about for a very long time.

The fan is great!!

I am very happy with the latest flexalite fan that I bought. I hope to get another good 10 years or more from this fan.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pickedup a Flexalite Black Magic 160 Fan

Located my old receipt(10 years old) for the electric fan and brought it to the speed shop. unfortunately, the model I had was now discontinued, so I ordered the next one in line. Plan to install the fan this weekend and repair the rear diff oil leak this weekend.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fan troubles

My flexslite electric fan broke a couple months ago after 10 years of loyal service. The rubber gasket around the shroud wrapped around the fan and broke all but three blades off. I bought a cheap $50.00 to get me through the week, but ended up using it for the past couple months.

Decided to buy a larger one(again cheap) for a more permanent fix. After making a set of brackets(not the best looking ones) I found out it would not clear my water pump.

Now I am out 120$ and still not real solution. I plan to order a new Fan from the speed shop using the same part number from my original Flexalite fan.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Garage Day!!

After doing the swap my garage was left looking like a small tornado went through. Let's say the name of the tornado was named SonicCJ7...


I did not post all of the pictures that were taken during the engine swap. So here they are.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Day the engine started May 14,2010

I ran into all of the standard first start bugs.


- trouble when trying to align my distributor and oil pump.
- Carb vacume leak at the base

I am very happy this project is done. For now....

The knocking you hear is the center force clutch weights hitting the throw out bearing. After I adjusted the clutch they quieted down.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12,2010 The engine is in the frame.

Today my Dad came over and helped drop the engine in the Jeep.

I hope to have it running tomorrow afternoon.

Re-purpose clutch linkage

Used a part from my new clutch linkage which was suppose to be for a 1" body lift.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11,2010 Engine is almost ready to drop in.

I spent yesterday assembling the rest of the engine. I needed to purchase a 1 1/4" wrench in order to use the harmonic balancer installer that I rented from the store. I was worried that the installer would strip out my crank threads(already messed up and needed to tap once from the puller) but the balancer went on without any issues.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pilot bushing located...

Part BK 6151031 from Napa works.

Now I just need to figure out this stupid pulley problem.

Last piece of the puzzle is the pulleys then I drop it in!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2,2010 Started to assemble

Started to assemble the engine.

Ran into a small problem. I am using the same pulleys and harmonic balancer from my previous 360, but for some reason they don't line up on this new engine.

I located a spacer that I think was used to space the harmonic balancer out. Need to ask around to see if that is where it belongs.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The search for a pilot bushing...

I have been trying to locate a pilot bushing now for two days. I bought one which was suppose to fit a 1980 CJ-7 with a 304, but it did not fit the engine or the T-18 input shaft.

I located a bushing online at Napa that comes close to my measurements. Placed the order today and should see it by next week.

Parts order from 4wd came in today April 29,2010

I decided to save a couple hundred dollars and keep my existing headers.

Today I got a heavy duty clutch linkage, radiator screen, radiator cap and a Centerfoce throwout bearing.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

TIme to cool Off

The e-Bay aluminium radiator arrived yesterday April 20,2010. This should keep the temps down while in traffic.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The New Engine Has Arrived April 15,2010

Brought the engine home last night 4/15/10

Action shot in its engine bag..

I just finished ordering an aluminium radiator from e-bay for only $130.00. I will post a small review here once I have it installed and get a chance to drive for a couple hours.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Some random parts in a pile.

Looking at cause.

Today March 28,2010 I got chance to take a look at the root cause of the problem.

Time to start ordering parts now.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Big Catch after a long day of fising.

The Engine is out

Today March 27,2010 I pulled out the engine.

Took some extra effort with the 1 ton hoist, but I got it out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The work has started.

Today March 20,2010 I started to tear into the Jeep.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Too much Rain

We got hit with a bad rain storm which put a hold on the Jeep work.

I plan to start working on it tomorrow, if I can fit it in.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Getting ready to Pull the motor out.

I plan to have the motor out Sunday March 14,2010. Once It is pulled out I will start the search for a replacement.

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